Why Volunteer? - It helps everyone, including you

I’ve been volunteering for years, mainly with the various programs FIRST Robotics. I do this because I feel I’m contributing to future generations.

When your world is feeling chaotic and disconnected, volunteering is an act of caring that can bring you closer to others. You are helping others and making a difference in the world. It can also help transform your life and give you purpose, and self-fulfillment. It will often surprise you with how great it makes you feel when you see the difference it can make for others and know you’re helping move the world in a positive direction.

There are many benefits for both you and others in volunteering. You’re creating a positive impact on others. Volunteering can also lead to a lot of self-growth, you’re very often out of your comfort zone and developing new skills. You are networking with people who you may not be in your typical network, it could help your career. It can enhance your leadership and teamwork skills. Often, volunteering can be humbling; When you start witnessing the struggles and triumphs of others, it can put your life into perspective and make you more thankful for where you are in life. You are also strengthening communities, bringing people together for a common purpose, spreading positivity, and inspiring others.

Volunteering is a powerful force for good and benefits everyone. The organization gets the benefit of your skills and help. You get a sense of purpose, empathy, and the feeling you’re making the world a better place. The world seems divided and volunteering can help bring people together for a positive change.

I feel like everyone should find something they’re passionate about and volunteer. Even volunteering for an hour, several hours, a day, many days is a positive difference, and taking a step in making the world a better place.

So please consider giving your time and energy to a cause you believe in, you may just find that volunteering becomes one of the most rewarding aspects of your life.

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